Assignment 4: Your Online Resume/CV

In this assignment, you’ll build and deploy your resume in HTML5. Compiling your resources into a resume and constructing a web page from it is a great step to get your name and qualifications out there in front of potential employers. Building this now will jump-start your portfolio and resume sites later!

Time to build your resume! Here we’ll map out the various elements your resume should have and talk about what HTML elements you should use to display them.

Remember your markup should be structured semantically using proper tags and indentation levels.

The Main Header

  1. Create a header with a big ol’ h1 stating your name and target career.
  2. Add an address tag with your address
  3. Add an anchor tag with your email and an href with a
  4. Add an hr tag below to give your header a nice big underline for emphasis!

Career Goals

  1. Create a new “Career Goals” section below your header and give it a heading
  2. Add a paragraph stating your professional goals and main objective

Listing Skills

  1. Create a new “Skills” section below the last
  2. Create a list under each of the following sub-headings stating your skills related to that category:
    1. Programming Languages
    2. Databases
    3. Platforms
    4. Version Control
    5. Operating Systems
    6. Other Tools
    7. Soft Skills

Work Experience

  1. Create a new “Work Experience” section under the last
  2. Create a table with proper table headings and a table body with rows and cells for each of the following:
    1. Time (Years worked at that job)
    2. Name (Name of the company)
    3. Location (City, State, Country if not USA)
    4. Position Title
    5. Responsibilities
    6. Contact Info (Phone number and name of employee)


  1. Create a new “Education” section under the last
  2. Create a table with proper table headings and a table body with rows and cells for each of the following:
    1. Time (Years spent at this school)
    2. School (Name of the school)
    3. Location (City, State, Country if not USA)
    4. Major/Degree Earned
    5. Minor


  1. Create a new “Achievements” section under the last
  2. Create a list of rewards or achievements that you’ve earned or accomplished. Include the year of the achievement or award and any other relevant information about it

Hobbies and Interests

  1. Create a new “Hobbies and Interests” section under the last
  2. Create a list of hobbies and interests that you enjoy. They should be current, but you may include past interests and activities as well. Try to think of what makes you unique.


  1. Create a new “References” section
  2. You may choose to create a table here of references. Because you’ll be posting this on the internet it is usually a good idea to label this with Available upon request.

Adding a Footer

  1. Add a footer to the bottom of your resume
  2. Put the same information in the footer as you did the header only make it smaller by using tags that print normale sized text.
  3. Don’t forget to make your email link clickable with a href="mailto:..."
  4. Wrap your footer text with a strong tag to make it stand out!

Your Resume/Online Portfolio will be hosted on neocities and we will be working on it throughout the semester.

You will submit the URL through the Moodle submission link.